Saturday, January 31, 2015

In The Morning

Read: Psalm 5
Key Verse:“In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.” - Psalm 5:3
How do usually start your day? There is nothing wrong with having some coffee, reading the news, and checking your messages. It is a very popular way to start each morning. Does your morning include feeding and nourishing your soul? Is there any spiritual hunger to meet with God?

David gives us a glimpse into the start of his day. 1) In the morning: God is David’s first thought, not an after thought. Connect with your Creator before you take on all of creation. 2) You hear my voice: It is fine to mentally plan, create a checklist, and analyze situations but those activities should lead to prayer. Saying your prayer out loud helps you remain focused on God. 3) Wait in expectation: When you are sincerely seeking God, you can expect a reward (Hebrews 11:1-6). Time with the Lord bears fruit and faith looks forward to what God will do during the day!
For more from Pastor Jesse Bradley and Activate Media Ministries, visit

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