Monday, August 6, 2018

A Godly Response to Criticism

by Dr. Charles Stanley
31 He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof Will dwell among the wise. 32 He who neglects discipline despises himself, But he who listens to reproof acquires understanding. 33 The fear of the LORD is the instruction for wisdom, And before honor comes humility. Proverbs 15:31-33 NAS

No one likes criticism, but encountering some is inevitable, so we need to learn how to respond in a godly way. Although you might be tempted to become defensive or angry, remain calm and listen. The words may hurt, but great benefits come to those who carefully consider what is said.

If we refuse to accept reproof, we'll limit our potential for Christlike character development and spiritual growth. Some of life's best lessons come through difficult experiences. If God allowed the situation, you can be sure that He wants to use it in transforming you into His Son's image. Whether the criticism is valid or not, whether it's delivered with kindness or harshness, your goal should always be to respond in a way that glorifies the Lord. Remember that you are responsible only for how you handle yourself, not for how the other person is acting.

When a criticism comes your way, be quiet and listen until the other person has finished. Make direct eye contact to show attentiveness and respect. When your critic finishes, thank him for bringing his concerns to your attention, and tell him that you will consider what he's said. Ask the Lord if the accusation is valid. Let Him search your heart and either affirm your innocence or convict you.

Every rebuke is an opportunity from God. It's a chance to let your Christian character shine by showing love to your critic. If he is angrily attacking you, your respect and kindness become a powerful testimony. Criticism is also an occasion to humble yourself and accept the Lord's correction.

Today's Bible Verse...
Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus on the "Mount of Transfiguration" before Jesus' closest disciples. This was the ultimate honor for them as faithful Jews. God, however, wanted them to know that as important as Moses and Elijah are, only Jesus is his Son. His Son's words are the ultimate authority and the bottom-line truth of God's will. If we are to be refreshed, renewed, and restored, we must begin by listening to and obeying God's Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ.

My Prayer...
Righteous Father, please give me a holy hunger for the words of Jesus. Help me as I seek to not only understand them, but also live them. I want to make honoring you my life's work just as it was his. Please give me wisdom today, as I seek to make decisions and face difficult circumstances with integrity, grace, and obedience. In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.

Today's Verse Illustrated...
Inspirational illustration of Matthew 17:5 

Faith in the Face of Danger by Joseph Farris

Faith in the Face of Danger

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