Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Experiencing Peace In Threatening Times

I saw a throne standing in heaven, and One was sitting on the throne. - Revelation 4:2 

by Steve McVey

American baby boomers are living in greater threatening times than any of us have seen in our lifetime. We are losing our jobs, seeing our retirement funds disappear, watching our homes go into foreclosure, wondering about the threat of terrorism against us, and being told that things will probably get worse before they get better.

We've been told all our lives that Christians can experience peace in the midst of the storm, but now that we're here that statement becomes more than a pious platitude. We've always believed it's true, but the question is, "How do we experience that peace?" The answers are in understanding that God is on His throne and resting in the truth about Him.

1. God is in charge. Sometimes we have to get back to basics. The greatest fundamental truth that will give you peace during these turbulent days is that God is real and He is in complete control of this world. Things aren't just happening. A Sovereign God is working out His eternal purposes within this tiny box we call time. History really is His story and He is working out the plot in this world one day at a time. The story has a happy ending and we need to remember that when we are living through some of the scary scenes in this eternal drama.

2. God is your Father and loves you dearly. This omnipotent God isn't indifferent toward your circumstances. He adores you and cares about your life more than you can possibly imagine. Sometimes our circumstances could lead us to believe that God doesn't care, but don't fall for that lie. He does care about you and won't abandon you in your trials.

3. Your Father is always superintending the details of your life. Whatever unfolds in your life, you can be assured that God is directing the details. He knows about your job security, you bills, your family, and your financial balance. This is a time when trusting Him is the only way you're going to get through this without falling apart emotionally. Choose to believe that He is guiding your steps.

4. You can trust Him regardless of what happens. None of us know the future. Committed Christians have already lost their jobs. Some have lost their homes. Many have seen their retirement accounts dissolve. Our God isn't Santa Claus, so you may not get what you want but you can be assured that our loving heavenly Father will be with you and will lead you forward one step at a time regardless of how things turn out. Your life source isn't found in the external, but in the Eternal. Remember that when times are scary.

These four statements sound simple, but they are profound. Read them again. Affirm their truth. Embrace them as the basis for your approach to life in these uncertain days. You can experience peace in the midst of threatening circumstances because Jesus doesn't just give you peace. He is your peace. Trust Him and you can know peace no matter what happens around you. 

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