Monday, February 11, 2019

Are You Confused About What to Do Next?

Luke 24:8 "And they remembered His Words."
Have you ever been in a tough situation facing tough circumstances and found yourself saying, "I just don't know what to do?" That might be a good thing. What I mean, is even when you think you know what to do it may be the wrong thing. We've all done things we were convinced were right, only to be proven wrong. When you view things this way, you are more likely to be dependent on God for all your decisions and choices. That's good! It will make you hungrier for the presence of God.

Luke 24 we read about the women `his friends - that came to Jesus' tomb after his death. They were heartbroken, confused, and didn't know what to do. They had believed that He was the Messiah that would reign, not die a brutal death. Now instead, they come looking for His body but had an unexpected encounter to make things even more confusing. Luke 24:1-3 says, "Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus." In the next verse we see their state of mind. Verse 4 says, "And it happened, as they were greatly perplexed and wondering what to do about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments."

They didn't know what to do but the story goes on. God helps them. He speaks to them through angels. 
Verse 5-8 says, "In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men (angels) said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! Remember how He told you, while He was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" Then they remembered His words." This was the promise of Jesus: that after His death, He would help them remember His Words. In John 14:26 Jesus made the promise, "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." 

The point I want to make to you today is that we all have times where we don't know what to do. And even when we think we know what to do, it would be better to have confidence that God is leading us in what we do with occasional confirmation. You do have a God that loves you and that has proved His love to you through Jesus. He is an intimate God and really does want to help you in all the details of your life. He wants to teach you AND remind you of things He has taught you; things that will direct your thinking and the steps of your life. In order for you to do that, you need to put yourself in atmospheres that God dwells,  such as church, bible studies, personal bible reading, prayer, and fellowship with other Christians. God speaks to us in those atmospheres. 

You mostly likely won't encounter many angels, but, He does live in the presence of His people. In 
Mat 18:20, Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." 1 Cor 6:19 says, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?"These verses say that when we come together about Him, His presence is there. They also say He is in and with you! You need to have fellowship with other Christians that sincerely live for and seek God.  When you are with people like that-- because they have the Holy Spirit indwelling  them-- God can speak to you through His Word and through them.

The women at the tomb were hurting and perplexed as to what to do, that is, until they were put in the presence and remembrance of God's Word. Then, as the verse above says, 
"they remembered His Words." When they did, they were refreshed, re-encouraged, and were able to continue on in the plan of God. The bottom line here is this: surround yourself with more atmospheres of God so that the Holy Spirit can speak to you and direct your steps. 
Only one life, will soon be past,
Only what is done, for Christ will last.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. (2 Corinthians 13:14)
Love & Prayers,                                         
Michael Jeremiah Knight.

Daily Smile:
Vanishing Pastry
On a visit to New York, an Englishman and a Scotsman go to a pastry shop. The Englishman whisks three cookies into his pocket with lightning speed. The baker doesn't notice.
The Englishman says to the Scotsman, "You see how clever we are? You'll never beat that!"
The Scotsman says to the Englishman, "Watch this, a Scotsman is always more clever than an Englishman."
He says to the baker, "Give me a cookie, I can show you a magic trick!"
The baker gives him the cookie which the Scotsman promptly eats. Then he says to the baker, "Give me another cookie for my magic trick."
The baker is getting suspicious but he gives it to him. He eats this one too. Then he says again, "Give me one more cookie."
The baker is getting angry now but gives him one anyway. The Scotsman eats this one too. Now the baker is really mad, and he yells, "And where is your famous magic trick?"

The Scotsman says, "Look in the Englishman's pocket!" 

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