Tuesday, May 7, 2019

God's Word

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!  - Psalm 119:103

How would you describe the Word of God? Do you view it as being difficult, challenging, or maybe even bitter? The psalmist David speaks of loving the Word and finding it to be sweet to his taste.

Hopefully we can say that we love it, even though portions of it are difficult to understand and its rebukes are sometimes hard to take. Since it is food for our soul and that which God uses to nourish us spiritually, if our attitude is what it should be we can say, "How sweet are thy words!"

But there are some hindrances to loving the Word. If you have been influenced by worldly philosophy or preconceived ideas about God, you will have to overcome this thinking to truly feed on God's truth. False doctrine, worldly interests, or a rebellious spirit can all be hindering factors to loving the Word.

There are even more reasons for loving God's Word, however, than there are hindrances to it. The fact that it is God's book is reason number one. Should we not be vitally interested in the one book God has given us? It tells us about God -- his power, his purpose, his love. It is a book that traces the unfolding of his good pleasure in his creation.

Also, God's Word is a book about the Savior. It contains the prophecies of his coming and the fulfillment of them in his birth, his life, his death and resurrection. It tells us of the one Way of salvation, through Jesus Christ, including the things we need to know about family, children, work, suffering, and even money.

Such thorough and helpful words are truly sweet to every saved and striving sinner.

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