Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Monday

Thought for Today

"The greatest need in the world is the transformation of human nature. We need a new heart that will not have lust and greed and hate in it. We need a heart filled with love and peace and joy, and that is why Jesus came into the world. He died on the cross to make peace between us and God and to change us from within by His Spirit. He can change you, if you will turn to Him in repentance and faith." - Billy Graham

For You and For Me
by Roy Irwin

You may find this hard to believe, but just about everyone has a scar somewhere on their body. And with every scar there is a story to go with it.

I learned this lesson at a gathering where most of the people did not know one another very well and appeared to have little in common. As you might expect, there was a lot of small talk as each person more or less kept to themselves. Then the hostess introduced an 'Ice Breaker' - a question meant to jump-start the conversation by getting everyone to participate. Each person was asked to share their personal "scar story" - a story about how they got a scar.

As we went around the room everyone shared their particular story; some were funny, some very serious. But with each story we learned more about the person. It became obvious that everyone had more in common than was first thought and the walls that had once separated us began to disappear, bringing us closer together as a group.

As I was remembering that meeting I was reminded of my own scars. I have three: one on my foot caused when running barefoot in a field as a child; one on my forehead from a college prank - it becomes more noticeable each year as my hair becomes less noticeable; and one on my hand, caused in a moment of anger just a few years ago...

For every scar there is also the memory of the pain that went with it.

I was trying to imagine what it would be like if Jesus shared about His scars. About how He was mocked and beaten. About how He suffered the cruelest form of death by being nailed to a cross. About how He lived a sinless life yet would bear your sins and mine. About how He knew since the beginning of time those events would take place, yet He came, willingly, to take our place - paying a debt He didn't owe because we owed a debt we couldn't pay - removing the sin that separates us from God.

One day we will see Jesus face to face. We will see His scars and know the truth from Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (NIV)

For you and for me.

"Dear Lord Jesus, thank you loving us so much that you were willing to die for us so that we could live with you for all eternity. Help us to see the world through the scars in your hands. Help us to live each day for you. Amen."

Daily Smile:

The Atheist and the Shark

There is this atheist swimming in the ocean. All of the sudden he sees this shark in the water, so he starts swimming towards his boat.
As he looks back he sees the shark turn and head towards him. His boat is a ways off and he starts swimming like crazy. He's scared to death, and as he turns to see the jaws of the great white beast open revealing its teeth in a horrific splendor, the atheist screams, "Oh God! Save me!"

In an instant time is frozen and a bright light shines down from above. The man is motionless in the water when he hears the voice of God say, "You are an atheist. Why do you call upon me when you do not believe in me?"

Aghast with confusion and knowing he can't lie the man replies, "Well, that's true I don't believe in you, but how about the shark? Can you make the shark believe in you?"

The Lord replies, "As you wish," and the light retracted back into the heavens and the man could feel the water begin to move once again.

As the atheist looks back he can see the jaws of the shark start to close down on him, when all of sudden the shark stops and pulls back.

Shocked, the man looks at the shark as the huge beast closes its eyes and bows its head and says, "Thank you Lord for this food for which I am about to receive..."

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