Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy Tuesday

Talking to God should be the same as if we're talking to our best friend. We should tell Him our thoughts, desires, hurts, and problems, as well as giving Him our thanks and praise. Talking to God not only tells Him that we have knowledge of Him but that we also have faith in Him. Talking to God also tells Him that we have a desire for His presence in our life and that we need Him and are dependent on Him. It also shows our Heavenly Father that we want to be obedient to Him. He wants to hear these things from us. He already knows what they are but He wants us to tell them to Him. He wants us to make the effort to talk to Him and not to take Him for granted.
I love to travel down the road and have a wonderful passenger right there with me.  He isn't a chatterer or one that checks my driving.  He doesn't gripe and complain, only brings me comfort and joy.   No one else can see Him but I can.  I ask that He make this journey safe and I feel His presence that gives me such a knowing sense that Jesus' will and mine were right in sync. Sometimes I'll sing to Him as I look at the beauty around me.  His constant re-assurances brings such comfort and how quickly the time did fly.  Time that was used in the best way, having my best buddy with me.  We can pray to God any time of the day no matter what we're doing, placing our thoughts in thanking Him or when unsure, letting our thoughts become our silent prayer.  We can pray to the Lord any time, anywhere, and about anything — to ask for something we need or to thank Him for something we received. As any loving earthly father would be, our Heavenly Father is interested in all that happens to us.  Christ is in charge. Each and every single thing we do, should be done by together.

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