Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thanksgiving around the Father’s Table

Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the lamb! Revelation 19:9, niv

For years our family have celebrated Thanksgiving at my father's house. The meal was always abundant and delicious - turkey with dressing and gravy, ham, green beans... my mouth waters just thinking about it! But the highlight of Thanksgiving was not the food, or the televised football games, or the fun. The highlight was always the fellowship around the dining room table. As we sipped our coffee and gorged on one last piece of pie, my father presided at the head of the table as each person shared what he or she was most thankful for... We still celebrate this way today, although our family circle is so large we have our dinner at a conference center. But the highlight is sill the story of thanks.

One day, in My Father's House, the table will be set and supper will be ready. One day you and I and all of the Father's children will be seated around that table. One day our Father will preside as He gathers us to Himself, listening intently and lovingly as we share our love for each other and our love for Him. One day My Father's House will be filled with His family, and it won't get any better than that!

 ©2012 Anne Graham Lotz 

Today's Bible Verse...
We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. 2 Thessalonians 1:3

Thoughts on Today's Verse...
When was the last time you found a new brother or sister in Christ and told that precious person all the things they were doing right? Don't you think that's too long, and that you should let them know today? Let's be more committed to encouraging and affirming others who are in Christ as well as giving thanks to God for them.

My Prayer...
Saving Shepherd of lost souls, thank you for the new Christians in our church and in my life. Bless them and protect them from the Evil One and use us, your children and their brothers and sisters, to be there to help and encourage them on their journey to perfection in Christ. In the holy name of Christ Jesus, my Lord. Amen.

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.

Today's Verse Illustrated...

Inspirational illustration of 2 Thessalonians 1:3

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