Wednesday, August 3, 2016


By Pastor Robert Roosendaal

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:7

The love scene takes on a total transformation as we examine God's love as given in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. From the heart of God flows the riches of His love, expressed by the Greek word "agape"----shining forth with eternal splendor and glory. Think of its surpassing beauty, purity and holiness. Our wonderful Lord who never changes is also constant in exercising this divine quality of love. It is expressed in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son ... " This love is the basis for Paul's declaration: "Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it" (Eph. 5:25). This fabulous love overwhelms God's family as told in Romans 8:35--- Who shall separate us from the love of Chris!...?" There is only one answer---Absolutely nothing! What marvelous details of assurance: In verse one there is "no more condemnation" and verse 29 guarantees "no more separation" and through it all the promise that "all things work together for good". Yes, Romans 8 is a gold mine of riches. What kindness and comfort for God's child. This wonderful story of love goes on and on as told in God's Word. How thankful we should be for God's boundless provisions, praising God for all that has been done for us in the Person of Christ His Son at Calvary where we behold the greatest exhibition of love ever displayed.

John's lovely Gospel closes with the re-commissioning of Peter. As the Lord tenderly probes the nature of Peter's love we detect Peter's honesty, confessing that his love for the Christ was limited--- a "phileo" love, a tender affection. It was Christ's amazing love and compassion that reached out to a troubled and faltering Peter, restoring him into fellowship and service. The Holy Spirit here draws our attention to the wondrous love of God---man's love is a different story. Let us be honest about it as Peter was! When David sinned by numbering the children of Israel, God gave him three choices, and you will recall that he very wisely chose to fall into the hands of God, for His mercy is far greater than men. Christ was better at restoring preachers than we would ever be.


Without a doubt there is no greater, or more valuable possession that we can hold in our hands than the word of God - The Holy Bible. And while we hold, and read, and study God's word, we have no greater need than to know how to handle it as God has intended that we handle it. For only then will we handle the Bible properly. and only then will it be able to effectually and fully function for us as "the word of truth' that it is, and thereby be able to accomplish what God has designed it to accomplish in our minds, and hearts, and lives.
_K. Blades

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