Monday, February 19, 2018

Pondering Thoughts

ATHEISTS: An atheist approaching the end of life made this confession:
"There is one thing that mars all the pleasure of my life...I am afraid the Bible is true. If I could know for certain that death is an eternal sleep, I should be happy. But here is what pierces my soul...if the Bible is true then I am lost forever."
A good reply to an atheist is to give him an excellent dinner and then ask if he believes there is a cook.
An atheist cannot find God for the same reason a thief cannot find a policeman.

AUTOMOBILES: Most people are having trouble with their cars. The engine won't start and the payments won't stop.
The wheel was man's greatest invention...until he got behind it!
A driver is safest when the roads are dry...but the road is safest when the driver is dry.
It takes thousands of nuts to construct an automobile, but only one nut to scatter it all over the road.

BIBLE: We only really believe as much of the Bible as we practice!
Many Christians mark their Bibles, but their Bibles never mark them!
The bread of life never becomes stale.
Study the Bible, to be wise;
Believe the Bible, to be saved;
Practice the Bible, to be Holy.

Men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them.
The Bible is like a lion, it needs no defense. Let it out of its cage, and it will defend itself. (Charles Haddon Spurgeon).

There are 3 stages of Bible study...The Cod Liver Oil Stage (You take it like medicine because it is good for you.)
The Shredded Wheat Stage (dry, but nouishing.)
The Peaches and Cream Stage ( a delicious delight.)

Show me a person who has a clean, unspotted Bible and I will show you a person with an unclean heart.
But show me a person who has a soiled Bible, and I will show you a person with a clean heart. (Basil Malof)
Most people are bothered by passages in the Bible which they cannot understand. As for me, the passages in the Bible which trouble me most are those I do understand. (Mark Twain)

The Bible:
Know your head;
Stow your heart;
Sow it... in the world;
Show your life!

God cannot open the windows of heaven for those who keep their Bible shut!
A knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without a knowledge of the Bible. (William Lyon Phelps)
Don't feed on the world's crumbs; get some delicious meals from the Living Bread!

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