Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Monday

Got Your Back
By: Greg Aitkens

Hebrews 13:1-3

Keep on loving each other as brothers (and sisters). Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison (even the ones without bars) as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

The other day, a friend of mine was describing a recent lunch conversation he had had with another mutual friend of ours, Tom. I realized that I had not spoken to him in many years.

I remembered that Tom was the person who had invited me to a weekend retreat more than 25 years ago. I attended, and that began the series of events which led me to become part of a regular small group meeting with other Christians. On my very first retreat Weekend, my life was transformed because I met a humble fellow named Jesus. That encounter was a life-changer! Tom was the kind person who set all this in motion with a simple invite. I have not even thanked Tom yet for that invitation! (I plan to do so soon.)

Tom "had my back". He was concerned for me and thought enough about me to share what he thought would be good for me-and was it ever! People who have our backs pray for us, encourage us, and even exhort or cajole us when they see us getting "off track". They exude the love of Christ for us with supernatural patience, tolerance, and mercy. They look for the best in us, don't harshly judge our areas of weakness, and do all this with absolutely nothing coming back in return. I find this type of Christian love amazing! In fact, it is out of this world.

I'm making a list of folks who have "had my back" short and long term. At the top of the list is my wife, Ginny, who has had saintly patience with me for almost 40 years of married life. I'm suddenly grateful for a rather long list of folks who have come along at just the right times to provide what I needed at various crossroads and important points at which wisdom and good counsel were needed, or where I was off kilter and needed someone to nicely say, "You're thinking of doing what?"

I believe Our Lord Jesus sends us these angels called "friends" at just the right times. They have our backs. They rely on the power of God and his Holy Spirit to say the right things and encourage us in the love of Jesus himself.

TAKE THE CHALLENGE: Who has "had your back" for a while? Are you ready to encourage and support others who need someone to have theirs?

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