Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saturday

God Sees It All
Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression. --Psalm 19:12-13

Time-lapse photography compresses a series of events into one picture. A photo such as this was published in National Geographic once. The photo was taken from a Rocky Mountain peak during a heavy thunderstorm, and the picture captured a brilliant lightning display that had taken place throughout.

The time-lapse technique created a fascinating, spider-like web out of the individual bolts. They all looked interconnected, but you could definitely see each bolt as it was in its uniqueness.

In such a way, our sin presents itself before the eyes of God. Where we see only isolated or individual acts, God sees the overall web of sin. What may seem insignificant-even sporadic-to us and passes with hardly a notice creates a much more dramatic display from God's panoramic view.

The psalmist wrote, "Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression."

Sin is truly deceptive (Heb. 3:13), divisive (Isa. 59:1-2), and deadly (Rom. 6:23). And it is destructive to the believer if not recognized (John 8:24).

Sin is sin-no matter how big, small, or sporadic it may seem. We must constantly remain pure and holy before the Lord, asking Him to forgive our transgression every day-those that we know and those that we don't. Thank God He sent his Son, Jesus, to cover those sins by His death on the cross so that we might have freedom through salvation in Him!

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask God to make you aware of every sin in your life, so that you can strive to rid yourself of it by the blood of Jesus Christ and live holy before Him. Thank Him for salvation and forgiveness of sins through His death on the cross.

Daily Smile:
A little boy returned from the grocery store with his mom. While his mom put away the groceries, the little boy opened his box of animal crackers and spread them all over the kitchen table.

"What are you doing?" asked his mom.

"The box says you shouldn't eat them if the seal is broken," said the little boy. "I'm looking for the seal."

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Happy Reading

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