Sunday, August 4, 2013

Happy Sunday

Take time to discover new things about yourself
   by Annettee Budzban
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb" (Psalms 139:13 NIV).
What is it that makes us the unique persons that we are? ...It's our personalilty!
God created each of us with unique mix of personality traits. These qualities make us distinct from anyone else. We may notice our personalities are similar to someone else we know, or even our parents or siblings. However, there is still something a little bit remarkable about us.
I found that by understanding my personality a little bit better, I could embrace my unique qualities and comprehend why I enjoy doing the things I do. I could also recognize my strengths and weaknesses. ( By weaknessess I do not mean sins. Rather these are areas in our personality where we are not as strong. An example being some people are naturally more outgoing, where others tend to be more reserved and take more time to get to know people.) Knowing our strengths and weaknesses can help us find a suitable job.
There are many good Christian books that offer personality tests and provide details regarding the characteristics of our unique personality types. From what I have studied, I noticed there are specific characteristics we can possess.
        One personality trait is portrayed in a strong ability to lead. That type of person takes charge of a situation. Another personality type may be more stable and not quite as up and down with their emotions as the others. Someone else may possess a personality that tends to be low-key, easy going, and have a calming effect on the people around them. Where others tend to be naturally more bubbly and vivacious and excited about life; some are deep thinkers and take things more seriously and think them through.
Although it's fun to know what characteristics we tend to possess, when we take a personality test, we usually find we have a blend of the different traits in each type. We also have to remember that there are many variables that cause us to be unique individuals. God also uses our varied life's experiences and level of spiritual maturity to knit the way we evaluate and handle situations.
Taking time to discover new things about ourselves can be fun and improve the way we relate to others. It can also help us understand why people relate to us the way they do. Jesus explained, "...the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). Some of those truths are truths we learn about ourselves. Taking time to learn new truths regarding our behaviors through Bible study, sets us free from trying to be one of the crowd, and sets us apart for God's intended purpose in our lives.   
Annettee Budzban can be contacted at

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