Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Sunday

Thought for Today

"The Almighty appeared on earth as a helpless human baby, needing to be fed and changed and taught to talk like any other child. The more you think about it, the more staggering it gets. Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as this truth of the Incarnation." - J.I. Packer

Not Exactly What They Had Expected
(By Jan @ CF Devotionals and Chris Long)

Luke 2:11-12 (NKJV) "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger."

This Christmas, most of us will be giving and receiving many presents. Some may be just what we were hoping for, but some children and adults will undoubtedly be disappointed. Some will be surprised. Some surprises will be happy ones; people will receive that "perfect gift," even more meaningful than they had hoped. God Himself used unexpected people, places and events in the Nativity. God turned things upside down when He sent His Son into the world as our Savior.

The Jewish people were expecting a powerful political conqueror. God sent them a helpless Baby.

They likely expected the announcements of His entry in the world, to go first to "important" people, "VIP's." But God's angels announced Christ's birth to shepherds, who were on the lower rungs of society.

They expected a Messiah who would only give THEM gifts -- prosperity, victories over their military enemies. Instead, God sent a Messiah who expects us to give Him our hearts, our very lives.

[They didn't realize] the Messiah would not favor many of the ones the world looks to as heros; in fact, He would bless the humble and the poor.

They expected worldly peace; God sent them a Prince of Peace, but the guaranteed peace was spiritual.

Jesus was not the Messiah / King / Savior they had hoped for. But He was more than they could have hoped for. His gifts last for eternity. No returns. No disappointments from Him. He will never let us down. Do you know Him as your personal Savior? Have you accepted salvation from Him, that best gift we will ever receive? If not, there's no better time then today. Simply acknowledge your sinfulness before Him and believe in your heart that He came to this earth to live a sinless life and pay the penalty on the cross for your sin. He was born that we might live - forever in eternity with Him.

Oh, and by the way, while Jesus' first coming was as a babe in the manger, Jesus is coming back a second time. And that will be in Righteous Power - as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah - and He WILL bring that physical peace to the earth where the lion shall lay down with the lamb - and all nations and peoples will bow before Him.

May you have a blessed Christmas season, remembering all that God has done. Don't let all the commotion and clanging of all the busyness of the season keep you from standing in AWE of the Savior who was born in a lowly manger for YOU.

God's plan of salvation is nothing less then wondrous. And simple. Won't you accept His gift to you today?

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