Sunday, November 8, 2015

Christians Are NOT...

Psalm 51:12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Let's face it! Christians are not happy, joyful, and bubbly all the time. Some times we get beat down by the cares of this world, by the worries of this life, and, by the trials of trying to just get by.

Thankfully we have a Savior who understands. We have someone who can be touched when we are in pain. We have our LORD who can mend all our troubles. We know God who can, and will, do what it takes to help his children.

We, I, tend to lose sight of the overall picture when we are overly concerned with the troubles of this life. We get so involved with the things of this world, we lose sight of our rewards on the other side.

Thank God! He can restore what we have lost. He can help when others are helpless. He can save when no one, and, nothing else can. Yes! Thank God! Jesus can restore what is broken. He can renew what is worn out and cast aside. He can remake what is useless into something that will bring glory unto himself.

There fore Christian, lets try to stay strong and depend upon His free spirit to uphold us.

God does love us, in spite of what the devil throws our way.

God Bless;

Walter D. Hill D. Min.

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