Saturday, March 24, 2018

An Empty Egg

It was time for the annual Easter Egg Hunt in town.  Little Cory was so excited!  She could not hold back her enthusiasm.  Mom and Dad took her to the hunt at the local park.  They were excited for her.  This was the first time she would do all the running herself.  The Mayor came out and said he would blow the whistle and the kids could start running and looking for plastic eggs.  Each egg had treats in it and each one was different.  They had 20 minutes to locate as many eggs as they could.  Cory was ready...the whistle blew...Cory ran and ran and ran.  The end whistle blew and Cory came back to her Mom and Dad crying:(  She found only 1 egg and it had a piece of paper with something written on it.  Her Mom looked at the paper and smiled.  She said, "Cory, honey, you got the most special egg of all!  This piece of paper tells you that Jesus loves you.  You and only you was this special message given!"  Cory wiped away her tears and said, "Oh, I know Jesus loves me...He died for me on Easter...He left an empty tomb and now I got the empty egg!"  What wisdom from such a little child!  A few minutes later, the Pastor from Cory's church, asked who got the egg with the Bible verse.  Cory very shyly went up and showed him.  Pastor said, "Well, Cory, you are specially blessed today.  Your verse tells you how much God loved us and how much He cares.  I have a brand new children's Bible for you and this chocolate cross!"  Cory's eyes grew huge as she saw the gifts bestowed on her.  She dropped to her knees and thanked Jesus for His wonderful love and this gift she received.

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