Friday, July 12, 2013

Happy Friday

Hello Readers,
     Well I was surprised when I checked the blog Thursday night, Thursday's Devotional had not been posted... In my haste Wednesday night, I failed to set the post time to 12:30AM, it was set to post at 9:57PM...
     Friday's Devotional was set to post at 10PM... That has been corrected...
Happy Reading,

Our Heart's Desire
 Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him. - Psalm 126:5-6

 "Prayer is not preparation for doing the work of God; prayer is the work of God."  I wrote this down and have given it a good deal of thought.  prayerful thought! thank you, Lord!

The apostle Paul prayed, "Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved" (Romans 10:1). Paul's heart desire led him to pray.

Perhaps you know someone you would like to see come to salvation in Christ. One of the first steps you can take in bringing that desire to reality is to pray. However, there's more to prayer than walking into God's office and dropping a memo into His in-basket. The context of Paul's prayer is that it grew out of a deep inner longing. In Romans 9:2, Paul said of his desire for his people's salvation: "I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart."

Most of us don't have much trouble coming to God with a heart full of deep personal concerns--work, finances, relationships. But are we just as burdened for others? Does their salvation weigh as heavily on our minds and hearts as the material things we think we need?

How can we get the same kind of heart as the apostle Paul? The only way I know is to spend time with Jesus Christ, who was moved with compassion toward people. When Jesus looked at the city of Jerusalem, He wept. The closer we walk with Christ in our life of daily discipleship, the deeper our desires will grow in prayer for others.

     Lord, as I spend time with You in prayer, give me a heart like Yours for the lost. Amen.

Prayer is sharing our hearts with God, not just reciting a list of people and things for Him to bless. 

Daily Smile:
A guy drove to the beach and parked his car close to the water's edge - not realizing it was Low Tide - then he went for a long hike up into the mountains. During his excursion, High Tide came and then receded - completely submersing his car for a period of time in the process. When he finally returned to his car - he became very concerned when he found out that he had Tuna in his Mercury!

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