Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy Thursday

Thinking of Everything 
by Pastor Bill

Scripture: Luke 14:28-30 "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it- lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish'"? NKJV

Throughout the Bible we see that Jesus continually gets the credit as the creator of everything. And in so doing HE added incredibly unique talents into everything accomplished.

Examples: In Africa specific birds were created to clean ticks off specific animals. In Australia the Red Kangaroo mother intricately grooms her off spring --- joey.

And ants the world over can count!

When a scout ant finds an item of food too big to carry, that is especially good, the scout will return to the nest for help. Scientists have discovered that ants apparently size up the task ahead so that they can return with just enough help.

The story is told of a scientist who set out to prove that ants can count. He cut a dead grasshopper into three pieces. The second piece was twice as big as the first, and the third was twice as big the second. He then left the pieces in different locations where ants would find them. He watched as each was discovered by a scout. The scout ant inspected the project and immediately returned to the nest for help.

In each case, when the scout returned with help, it was exactly what was needed. The scientist watched and meticulously counted the number of ants working on each piece of grasshopper.

The smallest piece had 28 ants and the piece that was twice its size had 44 ants diligently working on it. Almost twice as many as the smallest piece. And how many ants do you think worked on the third piece of the grasshopper. This piece of grasshopper was twice the size of the second? There were 89 ants diligently working on the largest piece of grasshopper.

All three pieces made their way back to the nest without any extra help!

The ants were carrying out the Biblical principal: "count the cost of the project before you begin it." Just as they were designed.

Prayer: Father thank you that when the world and everything in it were made --- there were no coincidences --- everything necessary for life was provided, by Jesus, at all levels. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

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