Sunday, December 28, 2014

When We Are Tempted

Matt. 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

Knowing Jesus was tempted of the devil; Why do we complain so much when we are tempted to sin? Temptation is a fact of life, and, we must learn the correct way to react to it.

We can not fight temptation alone. There are too many, and, too strong of temptations for us to think we can over come them without help.

In today's chapter we find that Jesus used scripture to rebuke the devil. Three times Jesus answered, “it is written”. Jesus was referring to the Jewish scriptures we know as the Old Testament. Yes Ken, the Old Testament is still relevant for today. Our Bible has the answers for all of life's problems. We just need to read, and study it more. With a little knowledge of God's Word; we too can say ,”it is written” when we are tempted to sin. When someone ask about a question of life; we can say,”it is written” and be sure we have given the right answer.

How will you answer?

God Bless;
Walter D. Hill D. Min.

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