Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Resist The Devil!!!

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
I have often heard, “What can I do to fight the devil?”, or, “ That devil just won't leave me alone!”, and, “How can I get rid of this evil spirit that follows me around”?
Our Bible verse today answer those questions in a two step phase. First we must “submit” then we must “resist”.
I believe the first step is harder than the second. People just don't want to submit to anyone. Folks tend to think they know what's best and go about trying to have their own way. Well, early on I found out I didn't know it all. On my job I realized others could do it better and faster. In my marriage I recognized my wife's gifts I didn't have. In ministry God let me know real quick I was not very smart concerning my Bible and spiritual matters. Yes!, Christian friends, we must “submit” ourselves to God in every way.
The second step is so simple we tend to overlook it during a crisis with the devil. Some people try to talk to and reason with the devil. Devil wins every time. Some shallow Christians try to ignore or pretend its not the devil that is bothering them. Devil wins again. Then there are a few folks who will turn to their Bible for help. They find Jesus rebuking the devil, turning his back to the devil, and, ordering the devils to be gone. Jesus resisted the devil!
When the devil comes at me with temptation, I remind him of how and where I got saved. I try to tell him of my salvation experience. Suddenly, I find my self talking to my self. The devil has left the scene!!
God Bless;
Walter D. Hill D. Min.

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