Friday, June 22, 2018

A Prayer for When You Are Anxious

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By Wendy van Eyck
I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me. Song of Solomon 7:10

When I first read about the following prayer in in a book by Brennan Manning called, “The Furious Longing of God,” I thought it sounded too simple but I gave it a try anyway.
I can’t remember the exact words Manning wrote but I remember reading something along the lines of, 'if you pray this prayer every day for one month it will change you.'
This prayer has changed me.

This 5-word prayer has become my "go-to" prayer anytime I feel anxious.

· Driving to the oncologist to get scan results: Abba, I belong to you.

· Waking in the middle of the night with concerns about work or finances: Abba, I belong to you.

· Worrying over a relationship that is struggling to work: Abba, I belong to you.

· Praying for a friend: Abba, [insert name of friend] belongs to you.

As I pray it I find myself remembering who God is: Big, mighty, good, merciful, loving, Abba.

As I pray it I find myself surrendering to who God is: In control, infinite, beyond comprehension, seeking my good.
As I pray it I find myself believing who I am:  Human, living in forgiveness, valuablebeloved, desired by God.

Ponder: Are you willing to try praying this prayer everyday for a month and see if it helps your anxiety? 

Prayer: I exhale and inhale when I pray it like Brennan Manning suggested, but I’ve found my own rhythm: 

Inhale: Abba

Exhale: I belong

Inhale: to 

Exhale: you

I find the combination of breathing and words calm me. This makes sense to me because none of us are only physical or only spiritual. We are both, so why not use both to find peace when I'm anxious?
Editor’s Note: Portions of this devotional were taken from Wendy van Eyck’s devotional, How to Pray When You are Anxious. 

Not Listening to the Preacher

by Bret Hammond and Dan PegodaNot Listening to the Preacher

Today's Bible Verse... 

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

My mom regularly reminded my brothers and I as we grew up that sin is often a false shortcut to a good thing. In a similar way, the Holy Spirit reminds us that falsely acquired riches are not the path to a rich and full life, which can only be truly acquired through godliness.

My Prayer...

Generous and loving Father, please forgive me for getting caught up in envy and the culture of affluence. Please use your Spirit to develop in me the patience and righteousness I need to resist the deceptions of Satan and to pursue the fullness of life you long to bring me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Proverbs 10:2


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