Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Saturday

Sorry About Friday's Devotional... Not sure where My mind was... I thought today was Thursday... Friday did not register with me until now... So I am posting early for Saturday...
Happy Reading,


Clinical neuroscientist Daniel G. Amen says, "Don't believe everything you hear -- even in your own mind."

Most of the negative things we "hear" in a given day are never spoken audibly. They're the things we say to ourselves.

Dr. Amen refers to them as ANTs: Automatic Negative Thoughts. We all have them: "This won't work. This deadline won't be met. God isn't listening to my prayer. I can't follow this diet. I can't get organized." And on and on.

Dr. Amen tells us that we need to get in the habit of stomping these ANTs, and replacing them with positive, uplifting thoughts. It's a difficult habit to develop, but the believer has an advantage. You've got God on your side. You know that he has plans for you, that he has given you a future and a hope, that he is causing all things to work together for good so that he can finish the work he began in you. (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28; Philippians 1:6)

This means that you can turn an ANT into an ACT -- an Automatic Christ-like Thought. Instead of telling yourself the worst all day long, remind yourself that God is in control, that his arm is not too short to save, and that he will lead you where you need to go.

The result is that this Automatic Christ-like Thought really does become an ACT ... because what you think ultimately leads to what you do.

That's why Paul said...

"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:1)

New thoughts lead to new actions. New actions lead to transformation. So spend the day stomping ants and replacing them with acts. --SM

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