Friday, January 22, 2016

Proverbs 21:20

In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has. -Proverbs 21:20

Over 30 years ago, Ron England of Los Angeles, California, bet his brother he could save a million pennies. Twenty thousand rolls of pennies, 13 boxes, a full garage, and 30 years later, England won that bet.

As a result, he now has $10,000 in pennies, and that's the good news. The bad news is that England couldn't find anyone to take his 3.5 tons of accumulated copper without costing him a "pretty penny," so to speak. Now, England is stuck with a million pennies.

Saving your money is a good thing, although you might not want to use the approach mentioned above. The bottom line is that in our country, most people actually spend more each month than they earn. Some people can operate under these circumstances because of their wealth. But this is not true for most of us.

Proverbs 21:20 says that a wise man or woman saves, but a fool gets paid and spends everything he or she has. Or a wise person keeps his or her valuables safe in their home, but a fool puts everything out in the yard to sell. 

Whether your income is large or small, it's wise to save a portion. That rainy day will probably come when you need it most for a car repair, doctor visit, or something else. 

Be prepared for what may come so that you can have "stores of choice food and oil" in your house when the need arises. 

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Thank God for taking care of you in your time of need. Dedicate to Him your tithes and offerings, and ask Him to bless the money you save for a "rainy day."

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