Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Using God’s GPS

by shani4jc

Today I had to travel somewhere I had never been for work. So, armed with my trusted GPS, I left my house confident that I would arrive at my destination without a hitch. The entire trip took about an hour and forty-five minutes, a great portion of which were back roads with only a small number of landmarks. The signs marking the roads were few and far between. Since I was traveling these roads before daylight, I only saw a handful of other cars on the road. So, basically, it was my GPS and me on this adventure together. As I drove, I thanked God for the gift of GPS because I would never been able to navigate all of the twists and turns on my own. As I thanked Him for my GPS, He reminded me that His Word is also a GPS of sorts. It directs us on our journey towards Him. It helps us navigate the path we are taking on this earth. Much like the GPS on my phone, the Bible can help us if we use it correctly. For example, the GPS on my phone does me absolutely no good if I don't use it. If I just sit my phone in the seat next to me, the GPS isn't going to give me directions to my destination. I must activate my GPS. In the same way, God's Word is not going to do us much good if our Bible is just sitting on the shelf. We must open it up and read what it has to say in order for it to give us direction. If the GPS on my phone tells me to turn left, but I choose to turn right, I'm not going to arrive at the correct location. The same is true for the directions given in God's Word. If His Word tells me to do one thing, but I choose to go on my own course, I am not going to have the desired results. This morning as I traveled through territory I had never before traveled, I felt confident in where I was going because I trusted in the ability of the GPS to get me there. How much more so can we be confident in God's Word's ability to lead us where we need to go...straight to Him!

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